A Radiographer is a medical professional responsible for performing diagnostic X-ray examinations using ionizing radiation. Radiographers may perform radiographic images in the radiology department, critical care units, surgical areas, emergency trauma rooms, and outpatient clinics. Individuals trained in this profession may also pursue careers in education, administration, and advanced modalities such as CT, MRI, mammography, and interventional procedures. This program meets the requirements for those graduates who wish to apply to a radiation therapy program through another facility.
Fast Facts
- 24-month program
- Classes begin in July
- Application Deadline: March 1st; March 15th for all other requirements. The program has a preferred file completion deadline of March 1st.
Admission Requirements
Two track program:
- Degree-Seeking Affiliate Applicants pursuing a baccalaureate degree must complete the prerequisite hours required by the University of Central Arkansas or Henderson State University.
- Degree-Holding (A.S. or B.S.) Applicants must have earned an associate or baccalaureate degree in any field of study, from a regionally accredited university, and must have completed the 24 hours of prerequisites listed below.
Applicant File is considered complete when all of the following have been submitted:
- Application for Admission completed. (View application information here)
- An official high school transcript or GED.
- Official transcripts from each post-secondary institute attended, including but not limited to, concurrent college in high school and any college or university. A minimum of 2.5 GPA or higher is preferred.
- ACT scores. A composite score of 19 is preferred, with a math and science score of 17 or above preferred.
- Six (6) hours of observation. (link for form)
- Click on these links to learn more about Radiography:
- (ASRT: Careers in Radiologic Technology) AND (Radcademy: Discovering Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy)
- Completed Personal Statement form (link for form)
- Interview with the Selection Committee for Applicants with completed files
Please note that these are minimum requirements and applicants are ranked according to the academic criteria and the results of the formal interview with the Selection Committee.
- Radiography Checklist
- Policies for the Radiography program can be found below:
Applicants are encouraged to contact the program director for a tour of the Radiology Department (501-202-7468).
Areas of Study | Course | Credit Hours |
Math/Logical Reasoning | College Algebra or above | 3 |
Written/Oral Communication | Introduction to Speech | 3 |
Written/Oral Communication | Composition I | 3 |
Information Systems | Introduction to Computers | 3 |
Natural Sciences | Applied Physics w/lab or College Physics I w/lab | 4 |
*Anatomy & Physiology I w/lab (within the last 5 years) | 4 | |
*Anatomy & Physiology II w/lab (within the last 5 years) | 4 | |
Total Credit Hours | 24 |
The BHCLR-School of Radiography is accredited by the
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, Illinois 60606-3182
Email: mail@jrcert.org
The program’s current award is 8 years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here
For more information on the radiologic sciences, please go to the following:
The cost of the Baptist Health School of Radiography varies depending on the individual student. Please download the Allied Health cost plan for estimated costs.
The Baptist Health School of Radiography prefers an ACT Score of 19 or above for admission. If you do not score a 19 or above, we recommend that you re-test. Generally, students are able to increase their score with each time they take the ACT. We also recommend that you use a study guide or preparatory course that is specifically designed for the ACT.
As a student in the Baptist Health School of Radiography, you will be in class and/or clinical 4-5 days per week.
At this time, the Baptist Health School of Radiography does not offer classes at night or online classes.
Earnings for Radiographers vary greatly, and have many different factors. Please visit the US Department of Labor website to find out earning information.
(The cost sheets require that Adobe Acrobat Reader be installed on your PC. If you don’t have this free software, click here to download.)